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The CIBW Photo-Id Project cannot respond to marine mammal strandings without authorization from NOAA.  If you witness a stranding, here is the information you will need to report it to the Alaska Marine Mammal Stranding Network.

How to Report Strandings to NOAA

Please let NOAA know if you see injured, entangled or dead whales, seals or sea lions in the water or on the beach. The most important information to collect is the date, location of stranding (including latitude and longitude), number of animals, and species. Please don't move or touch the animal. Take pictures from different angles if you are able.

Contact Information

  • NOAA Fisheries Alaska Statewide 24-hour Stranding Hotline: (877) 925-7773 

  • Alaska SeaLife Center Stranding Hotline: (888) 774-7325

Report a Death or Injury of a Marine Mammal During Commercial Fishing Operations

NOTE: If the stranded animal is a walrus, sea otter, or polar bear, call the the Marine Mammals Management Office of the US Fish and Wildlife Service in Anchorage (1-800-362-5148 FREE, business hours) or the Alaska SeaLife Center in Seward (1-888-774-7325, 24-hrs).






Contact Us​

© Copyright Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Photo-ID Project

Photos taken under General Authorization, Letter of Confirmation No. 481-1759, MMPA/ESA Research Permit #14210 and #18016 .  Do not reproduce without permission.


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